Welcome to NeuroFit BC!
Hello, my name is Naomi Casiro, I am a Physiotherapist and the Founder of NeuroFit BC. I am passionate about helping to improve the lives of those living with PD and would love to help you live your life with Parkinson's to the fullest both now and in the future.
When it comes to Parkinson's Disease EXERCISE IS MEDICINE. By creating an individualized PD plan tailored specifically to your needs our team can help facilitate neuroplastic change in the brain. What does that mean? In short it is what helps lead to improved symptoms and slower disease progression.
Just as medicine should be prescribed by your doctor we believe a a detailed movement assessment and individualized prehab/rehab plan should be designed specifically for you by a movement specialist. You'll hear us say often "you wouldn't miss a dose of medication so don't miss a dose of exercise!"
Using up to date research and years of PD specific clinical experience I developed the FFM (Fundamentals of functional movement) treatment paradigm. This program is specific to our clinic and to those practitioners who have taken our FFM course which has been taught to health professionals across Canada. FFM uses 4 pillars of PD specific treatment (Gait, stability/mobility, global movements & falls training) each of which are broken down in detail and used to improve your capacity to move, mitigate disease progression, and accomplish your individual goals.
We are passionate about what we do and would love to meet you and welcome you to the NeuroFit tribe!